I am so passionate about the growth and development of people. It is the cornerstone of building strong teams. I once heard someone describe employee development like a farmer planting seeds at the beginning of the season - we need to be patient and do a lot of work to see the harvest at the end of the season.
I see leaders make two huge mistakes when trying to develop employees:
Consistency / Commitment:
In my experience, companies are REALLY focused on employee development during annual reviews. After that, development planning gets put away until next year. This is like planting seeds and never watering or fertilizing them. For the best development planning, leaders need to create a plan, invest their time to the plan, remove the barriers preventing growth, and stay committed to the plan.
Every leader I talk with needs high-potential people YESTERDAY. They can't wait a day, let alone a year for someone to take on greater responsibilities and they approach development like a bomb ticking down in its final minute - it needs to happen right now! Trying to reap a harvest before the produce is ready will result in a crop that can't be used.
The best way to foster development is to:
- Give employees assignments that are slightly out of their capability and comfort zone. Growth requires some level of discomfort.
- Provide basic support. Don't hover and don't solve their problems. Be available to confirm direction and provide encouragement, then let the growth happen naturally.
- Let them fail a little. Our greatest growth and development comes from our failures. Help them fail safely and softly.
- Give them time to let concepts soak. Development often comes in the moments of reflection after the "storm".
In this world of "need it now", employee development needs to be viewed as an investment that requires time to get the desired results. Leaders need to allow the development process to happen naturally and be patient to reap the harvest! Need help creating a plan or need some "fertilizer" to foster growth? Contact me at
bgillum@cmaxadvisors.com to hear how we help create an environment of growth.