I remember when I started my business. I had a long list of challenges and issues that I had to solve. I navigated through all of them relatively well and gained confidence in my ability to run and grow a business. That sense of confidence gave me the courage to push through the adversity, but it also limited my company’s ability to grow. Instead of asking for advice, listening to experts and acknowledging my shortcomings, I continued to operate like a start-up.
It took several years but I reached the realization that I couldn’t do it all. I learned others could help in ways I didn’t expect and in some cases they actually had better approaches. I learned employees have unique insight and perspective that I could utilize better. I also learned we can operate more efficiently (and more profitably) when I listen to the ideas and opinions of others.
I have learned that many entrepreneurs, and specifically founders, have similar characteristics. The approaches that succeeded in the early years, being involved in everything, inhibits growth and advancement in the adolescent years. We created our Fractional COO service to help entrepreneurs make this transition and unlock the growth of their business.
In our experience, entrepreneurs are more successful when they make more objective, data-informed decisions.
Entrepreneurs need to remove the guessing from their decision making process by:
Our approaches are straight-forward and are proven to reduce the uncertainty facing entrepreneurs and business owners.
Contact us if you would like to hear how you could use data to make more objective decisions and learn approaches that help you lead your business in a more strategic way.